Chris Schafmeister

Professor, Temple University
B.S. (1990) Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Ph.D. (1997) University of California, San Francisco; Advisor: Robert Stroud
Postdoctoral Fellow (1998-2000) Harvard University; Advisor: Gregory Verdine
2004-2009 NSF CAREER Award
2004 Cottrell Scholar Award
2000-2005 Camille and Henry Dreyfus New Faculty Award
2000-2002 Research Corporation, Research Innovation Award
1998-2000 Jane Coffin Childs post-doctoral fellow
1993-1998 Howard Hughes Medical Foundation pre-doctoral fellow
“Bis (Amino Acid) Molecular Scaffolds”, U.S. Patent Application Nos. 10/613,961 and 10/612,098. University of Pittsburgh Case No. 00720
“Functionalized Bis-peptide Nanostructures”, WO 210/009196 A1
“Linear Assemblies, Macrocycles and Covalent Bundles of Functionalized Bis- peptides”, Patent disclosure Nov 2010
“Molecular Lego Based Enzyme-Like Catalysis”, DOD, 12/15/2008 – 12/14/2013, joint with Prof. Ken Houk, $2,500,000 (direct + indirect)
“Development of Protein Surface Binding, Low Entropy Oligomers”, NIH- EUREKA, 08/01/2010-07/31/2014, $825,000 (direct + indirect)
“Disrupting Protein-Protein Interactions with Bis-peptides”, NIH/NIGMS, 12/01/2010-11/30/2014 $1,501,000 (direct + indirect)
“Disrupting Protein-Protein Interactions with Bis-peptides”, NIH/NIGMS, 12/01/2010-11/30/2014 $1,501,000 (direct + indirect)
“Experimental Studies of Electron Tunneling Through Non-Covalent Contacts in Supermolecules”, National Science Foundation, Co-PI with Prof. David Waldeck at the University of Pittsburgh, 12/04/07-12/04/10, $500,000.00 (direct + indirect)